The Gifted Wiki
The Gifted Wiki

In the Marines... when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point, it will.
— Thunderbird to Blink[src]

Thunderbird (birth name John Proudstar) is a main character on FOX's The Gifted. He is a Mutant with super strength, invulnerability, foresight, and heightened senses.

He comes from an Apache and military background. He is also the leader of the Mutant Underground. Thunderbird is often seeking out mutants who are on the run from the Sentinel Services, in search of refuge.

Character Description[]

"The strong-headed Native American leader of the underground network."[2]

Early Life[]

Very little is known about Thunderbird's early life. He was born on an Apache Reservation, joined the military as a young man and served in Afghanistan. His father is also a veteran who served in the Gulf war. While he was serving two tours in Afghanistan, he earned multiple awards for bravery.

John was discharged from the Marines for being a mutant after the events of 7/15, after which time he turned to alcohol and pain pills to cope with his loss of purpose, going so far as to participate in a fight club for cash to pay for his habit. It was at this fight club that he was approached by Evangeline Whedon, who offered him a chance to run the Mutant Underground station in Atlanta, Georgia. He initially scoffed at her offer, but eventually came around to seeing things her way, and she helped him detox by chaining him to a mattress so he couldn't escape; though he was furious at her for this at the time, he eventually cleaned himself up and devoted himself to helping his fellow mutants. [3]

In Phoenix, Arizona, Thunderbird attempted to raise money for the victims of 7/15. However, his attempts at doing so were met with disdain by an anti-mutant man, who tried to hurl an explosive at Thunderbird. Thunderbird's enhanced senses were able to detect the man's plans ahead of time, and he warned all nearby civilians to flee as he threw the bomb somewhere outside of harm's way. Sometime after this, he co-founded the Mutant Underground with Polaris and was appointed leader by the X-Men before they disappeared.[4]

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]


Thunderbird tracks Blink

In "eXposed", Thunderbird, Eclipse and Polaris are in a race against the Atlanta police to track down an escaped mutant fugitive, Blink. With Thunderbird's tracking skills, he concludes that the fugitive must not be far from their position. After locating her, they try to gain her trust by explaining that they are mutants as well. Eclipse and Polaris introduce themselves are Marcos and Lorna. However, their introductory meeting is interrupted as the police have tracked them down at the abandoned workshop. They head into the main room. Polaris steps out in front of the window and takes out the police cruisers. That's when the police open fire. Thunderbird then looks for a way out. They exit through the back, making a run for it. Despite their efforts, Eclipse is shot in the alley. Polaris, in a fit of blind rage, attacks the officer with great force. Distracted by her rage, more officers arrive and taser her. Meanwhile, Thunderbird holds Eclipse back, knowing they can't do anything to save Polaris as she is apprehended, forcing them to leave her behind.


John and Sage watch the news

As John bandages up Marcos' wound, they argue over recusing Lorna. Marcos wants nothing more than to get a team together, but John is not convinced they can take on hundreds of cops when they were nearly subdued by merely a dozen of them at the abandoned workshop. They can't afford to take that risk, not right now. When Sage comes in to alert them of a news story in Atlanta, where two mutant siblings, Andy and Lauren Strucker, committed an act of terrorism at the local high school. With this, John and Marcos realize that their plans of rescuing Lorna will have to wait.

Later in the night, Clarice goes to John to inform him of Marcos receiving a phone call and meeting the person about helping his family. John wonders why she didn't tell him this before, to which she responds that Marcos told her not to. But after an hour had passed and he hadn't returned, trusting her judgment to do right by Lorna, she decided to tell him. John then tells her that they have to go find him. John found Clarice, so he can certainly find Marcos.


Thunderbird's foresight

Just as he said, Thunderbird and Blink manage to track them down, Eclipse and the Struckers, to a warehouse. When they arrive, Eclipse and the Struckers are already surrounded by Sentinel Services. The seven of them sprint through the warehouse, as Sentinel Services unleash their mutant-hunting robots, the Sentinels, which Thunderbird sees coming ahead of time due to his foresight. Eclipse and Lauren are able to keep them at bay using their mutant abilities while Blink creats a portal for them all to retreat through. Everyone, except Andy and Reed, make it through the portal. With Andy hyper-focused on destroying the sentinels, he telepathically rips them apart before joining the others through the portal. Blink can't hold the portal open for much longer. Just as Reed is about to go through, he gets shot before he gets the chance. Having strained her abilities, Blink collapses, causing the portal to close and for Reed to be left for capture on the other side.

In "rX", after jumping through the portal Clarice created, Andy, Caitlin and Lauren are panicking about leaving Reed behind. John explains that they are in the Mutant Underground's headquarters. As much as John wants to help the Struckers with going back to retrieve Reed, the chances of them being captured or worse, killed, are greater. What is within their ability, however, is tending to Clarice, who has overexerted her power to save them from Sentinel Services and collapsed.


John and Sonya discuss Clarice and the Struckers

John and Sonya discuss Clarice's condition and housing for the Struckers. While Sonya had attempted to reach a doctor in Gainsville, chances are they would have to wait given the late hours though John insists that she keep trying, as well as find a place for Caitlin, Lauren and Andy. However, Sonya isn't so sure that welcoming the Strucker into the Underground is worth the risk as John almost got killed because of them. Furthermore, they didn't discuss bringing more people in. Which leads John to his next point of interest, Marcos' freelance job to meet with Reed without consulting anyone. Marcos explains that they help mutants in danger, and by his account, the Struckers are mutants and they all saw the dangers they faced. However, John sees through Marcos' explanation, claiming that his interest is only in Lorna. Lauren then interrupts to inform them of Clarice's worsening condition.


John shields Andy and Lauren

Caitlin informs him that Clarice is in respiratory distress and her temperature is spiking. Caitlin, who is a nurse, advises John and Marcos to seek medical attention for Clarice, otherwise she will die. Just then, Clarice begins convulsing causing her powers to become unstable. As Clarice goes into shock, her powers start to uncontrollably manifest, causing her to involuntarily open a portal to stretch of road where a truck is headed straight for them. As the truck tries to avoid them, it skids out of control, resulting in the truck being sliced in half. The back half unfortunately makes it through the portal and is headed directly towards the Strucker kids, who John shields from impact with his own body, though he suffers little to no damage due to his dense skin and invulnerability to physical harm.


John and Marcos look through the portal

John pulls himself up, then helping up Andy and Lauren before checking on the rest of the facility. With Clarice's condition growing increasingly unstable, John moves her to a table in the back of the room by the vault. As Clarice starts convulsing again, a new portal emerges to the same road as before. Civilians with loaded rifles stand on the other side of the portal looking in. Seeing this, Marcos is prepared for a fight. However, John grabs his wrist and urges him to show restraint as they aren't to hurt innocent bystanders. Lauren walks in front of them and manages to close the portal using her shields, thus preventing any possible altercation. This shuts down Clarice's powers as she falls unconscious. He then asks Caitlin if she could help Clarice from Headquarters if they manage to obtain the medicine needed, which she can. So Marcos and Caitlin set forth a plan to raid the hospital for the medication to treat Clarice while John, Lauren and Andy stay behind.


John listening in

With Marcos and Caitlin out to recover the medicine from a nearby hospital, John stays behind to watch over Clarice, as well as Andy and Lauren. John tells Andy and Lauren that Clarice is a refugee who escaped from jail. Regarding her arrest, she used a portal to steal food from the back of a supermarket. It happens a lot with mutants who can't pass for human. They can't get jobs and one thing leads to another. John is cut off as Clarice's powers being to manifest yet again to the same road. This time around, the road is filled with police officers. Fortunately, Lauren manages to close the portal, but not before John uses his super senses to overhear the officers call in the SWAT.


Sonya and John discuss Clarice's worsening condition

John and Sonya become increasingly more concerned with Clarice and the portals that she continues to open. While Lauren has managed to keep them closed for the time being, John isn't sure how much longer she can continue to. He informs Sonya that the cops are gearing up and that the S.W.A.T team is in route. If they come through, John believes that they will have to evacuate, but Sonya argues that they should remove Clarice as evacuating the building would take far too long. However, John fears that moving her will only make matters worse. Leaving them with only one option, to hope that Marcos and Caitlin return in time with the medicine.


John watch Lauren's failed attempt to close the portal

With Clarice's condition worsening, John wants to begin evacuation as Clarice continues to open portals, but Sonya again objects to the notion of abandoning the Underground. John calls out to Clarice as another portal opens but on a larger scale. Lauren attempts to close it but fails. With S.W.A.T closing in, the Underground is left with no other choice but to fend them off. As one of the officers enter the portal with his weapon drawn, John disarms him of his firearm, lifts him to the ceiling, and then tosses him back onto the other side of the portal. Just as the rest of the S.W.A.T team prepares to open fire, Andy runs out in front and in a great display of power, sends the officers flying backward into the air, as well as Clarice, who is knocked to the floor and falls unconscious, causing the portal to close. However, after the closing of that single portal, many opened in its place within the Underground. And so John instructs Sonya, Lauren, and Andy to evacuate the building as he calls out to Clarice to wake up.


John and Caitlin treat Clarice

Fortunately, Caitlin returns with the medication as the Underground is in disarray due to Clarice's unruly abilities. John assists her as she stabilizes Clarice's potassium levels, which in doing so saves Clarice and the facility. Later that night, as the Underground regains order, Clarice awakens. She ask s John if she was responsible for the damage and if everyone was okay, to which John responds that there were no casualties. He then asks her about the road that she repeatedly opened the portal to, but Clarice claims to have no recollection of the ordeal.


John agrees with Sonya and Marcos to rescue Lorna

In "eXodus", John attempts to defuse Marcos who is dead set on breaking into jail and rescuing Lorna. Also in the room is Caitlin, Sonya, Sage and Shatter. John reminds Marcos that the prison he wants to break into is armed with 20 foot walls and guards, ready to shoot-to-kill. However, Marcos counters that Clarice can get them past security. Unfortunately for Marcos, John and Caitlin are in agreement that Clarice's powers are too unstable. Which is why Marcos suggests that John train her as he did for some of the other mutants in the Underground. Sonya reminds John that Clarice freed herself from jail, suggesting she may be possible of accomplishing what Marcos' plan calls for. John reluctantly agrees though Caitlin isn't backing down. She reminds them all that they still have laws to abide by. She recommends calling a lawyer as some members of Congress are sympathetic to mutants, but John claims that she may be overestimating their sympathy. Caitlin has connections. She can reach out, but contact with the outside world is disallowed. They can't risk the exposure with Sentinel Services on the look-out. Much better odds, they will get turned on, which is a risk that Marcos and John refuse to take.


John asks Clarice to help rescue Lorna

John approaches Clarice in hopes that she'll agree to break Lorna out of jail. While Clarice is willing to help in any way she can as she owes Lorna for saving her, transporting them all into the prison isn't one of ways she can be of assistance. Since her episode, where she nearly tore down the station, she's been unable to create portals. Something changed after she got sick, such as the strange, purple dagger-shaped mark that appeared under her right eye. Not mention her powers which as she put it, are broken. John informs her that abilities don't break. Most mutants first access their abilities from strong emotions like fear, anger and pain. But those are all unreliable. The challenge is to tap into something positive. Clarice sarcastically asks if they are to do hot yoga and find her spirit animal. "No thanks. I'm pretty sure your spirit animal would bite me", John replies. More than just a bite, Clarice claims that her spirit animal would rip his head off. John retorts that this is impossible given that he is physically invulnerable.

John is approached by Sonya, who wonders if Clarice has agreed to help free Lorna. Unfortunately, she can't. At the very least, it will take some time before she can. Clarice's power has always been fueled by fear. She needs to find something she cares enough about to get past it. But, Lorna didn't have that kind of time. Sonya offers her "help". As she says this, pink smoke flows from her mouth. Apparently, Sonya possesses the ability of memory manipulation. She wants to give Clarice a memory that'll make her think Lorna is her best friend, thus providing incentive. However, planting false memories in peoples' heads always go bad, John states, case in point, Walker and Eve.


John trains Clarice

The next morning, John and Clarice take a walk around the compound as they discuss her lack of control over her powers. Clarice had given John's advice some thought, but her ability, when it comes down to it, is the power to bail out of dangerous situations. So being scared is just a big part of it. However, John refuses to believes that fear is all of it. In the marines, when you want to give up, they train you to focus on what you care about most, to hold on to it as if your life depended on it, because at some point it will. Back then, John had a lot to prove in regards to him being Apache and a mutant. Clarice claims that she doesn't have anything personal to hold onto as he did. So, John wants her to think about something she loves, however, the best Clarice can come up with at the time is a warm jelly doughnut. John instructs her to relax, breathe, and picture the thing she wants most, and go to it. Clarice follows John's instructions precisely, causing a portal to emerge though she fails to maintain it. As he is telling her not to focus on the fear, John's foresight and tracking abilities kick in, allowing him to see a glimpse of the past. He can see Caitlin leaving the Underground in the middle of the night with Andy and Lauren.


Marcos and John plan to go after the Struckers

John returns to the station to inform Marcos of the Struckers' ill-advised departure. They left last night without taking much with them. Caitlin believes that she can help, that whatever connection she has can make a difference in getting Reed back. She spent her whole life in believing in the system. Some people have to learn the hard way, John concludes as Marcos tells him that he had already spoken to Caitlin about the way the prejudice mutants face. Nevertheless, they have to go after them, which is unfortunate given that Lorna could disappear into a federal hellhole at any moment. However, should the Struckers get arrested, they could lead the authorities right back to the Underground, compromising their entire operation.


Thunderbird and Eclipse confront Caitlin on leaving the Headquarters.

Thunderbird and Eclipse track Caitlin and the kids to her brother's house in Buckhead. They find Caitlin sleeping on the couch. John slowly approaches, tapping her on her shoulder, which startled Caitlin, who then pulls out a kitchen knife from under her pillow. Thunderbird and Eclipse tells her that she and the kids are in danger and that they need to leave immediately. Moments later, her brother, Danny, enters the room. Thunderbird's suspicions prove to be of legitimate cause as a crew of men armed with guns pull up outside the house. While Thunderbird can get them through a wall, a fight will surely ensue should the mob begin shooting while they ran. Andy questions why they should run when they have the advantage. Thunderbird explains that if that happens, people will die which Andy doesn't seem to have any quarrels with. Danny then goes outside to talk to them, hoping to calm the mob. Upon Danny being struck down, Andy completely obliterates the door and sends Chuck and the mob flying back. Chuck Sanders stands back to his feet, retrieves his gun and aims it at Andy. Fortunately, Thunderbird gets Andy out of the line of fire while Eclipse projects powerful rays of light from his hands to deter the mob. Thunderbird, Eclipse, Andy, Lauren and Caitlin then get into the truck and leave.


Blink greets Thunderbird with a hug

On their way back to Headquarters, Thunderbird calls Dreamer from the SUV while being shot at by the "local mutant welcoming group". He tells Dreamer that they can't afford a fight and that they need a way out that doesn't end with death. She tells him to get back to the Underground and by then, she will have devised a plan. As promised, Dreamer has come up with a plan. Thunderbird drives down the street, rounding the corner to the sight of Blink, standing in the middle of the road, holding open a portal large enough for the entire truck to fit through. They pass through the portal, finding themselves just outside the entrance of the Underground. Thunderbird exits the SUV, telling Eclipse to get everyone inside while he talks to Blink and Dreamer. Blink oddly greets him with a hug, displaying a great show of affection that Thunderbird is not expecting from her. He tells her that everyone is fine and that she should go inside, where he will meet up with her. Realizing that something is off, Thunderbird looks to Dreamer, asking what she has done. Dreamer explains that with Blink needing something to connect to, she was given a memory of Thunderbird and Dreamer together, though in the memory, Blink replaces Dreamer. Thunderbird is furious, as he doesn't believe that she fully understands the consequences of her actions.

The next day, Thunderbird and Eclipse drive back out with Caitlin, so that she can speak with her brother. From Danny, they learn that Reed is alive and that Sentinel Services is taking him to a top secret mutant detention center with Lorna.


Thunderbird at the mutant relocation center

In "eXit strategy", two years ago, the Underground infiltrates a mutant relocation facility. Thunderbird and Pulse, a fellow member of the Underground, stand on the outside of a fence. They discuss their plan to infiltrate the building. Pulse is upset that Thunderbird didn't send him in first to knock out the power. However, had they done that, Sentinel Services would immediately know of their arrival. Thunderbird insists that they stick with the plan that is already in motion; for Eclipse and Sage to send them a signal after reaching the second fence. Pulse is noticeably more upset than usual. He blamed it on the building, which they refer to as a relocation facility, but in actuality, is a prison. Thunderbird reminds Pulse that they saved him from within the facility and they plan to do the same with all the other incarcerated mutants. Eclipse and Sage then come running back to the fence as gunshots ring out in the night. They have been discovered. Eclipse regrettably informs them that Randall and Elsa has been killed in the escape. The facility's defense system is far more advanced than they had expected. With his ability to disrupt systematical electronics, Pulse volunteers to shut down their system to the automated weapons in order for them to escape. After successfully doing so, he is shot, and Thunderbird watches as he hits the ground, yelling out "Gus", as he lays there motionless. Under the impression that he is dead, and with Sentinel Services agents in route, Thunderbird is force to leave Pulse behind.


John and Marcos ask the Underground for help in saving Lorna and Reed

Present day, John and Marcos call a meeting at Headquarters to discuss breaking Lorna out of prison. They know that she is being held in a cell at the Sentinel Services Regional Headquarters with Reed. They are being moved soon to an ultra secure facility. The people who are taken there don't come back, thus forcing their hand in attacking Sentinel Services head on. Many members are reluctant in volunteering to help save Lorna, Sage included. She reminds John and Marcos that they lost six people the last time they went up against the Sentinel Services directly, which was merely a relocation center with a fence and a few guard towers. This time around it is a prison they are attempting to infiltrate, whose systems have improved. Extrapolating from other attacks, the Underground has an 86.5% chance of failure, Sage determines. But as Marcos explains, if they do nothing, then there's a 100% chance of never seeing Reed or Lorna again. After Marcos reminds them how Lorna has risked her life for everyone in the room, they asks for a show of hands from those willing to save Lorna. Unfortunately, Sonya, Clarice, and Harry are the only ones willing to help.


Sonya, John, and Marcos strategizing

In the monitoring cell, Marcos is reasonably upset with the fact that only five people (John, Sonya, Marcos, Clarice, and Harry) are willing to help save Lorna. John on the other hand is a bit more understanding given that a lot of them lost friends the last time they attacked Sentinel Services. Caitlin corrects Marcos, saying that it is six them of them against the Sentinel Services as she will be joining them. The six of them began to strategize on how best to infiltrate the building. Clarice's portals and Harry's cloaking abilities will do them little good. However, Caitlin suggests that rather than going into the building, they rescue Lorna and Reed while they're in route to be relocated. While in theory, the idea is plausible, they don't know the transit route. However, Marcos suggests using his connection to the Cartel to gain access on the route. John advises him against it but they are out of better ideas.


John tells Sonya to tell Clarice the truth

John approaches Sonya to ask if she has told Clarice the truth about implanting a memory in her head. Sonya admits that she hasn't, and she's not quite sure that she wants to considering that Clarice seems fine. However, giving Clarice a memory without her permission is wrong, John notes. Sonya attempts to explain that the memory is more like a dream or impression that'll fade but John isn't so sure it will. He wants Sonya to tell Clarice the truth or else he will. However, Sonya fears how Clarice will react when she learns the truth. Maybe she gets upset and leave, putting an end to their plan of saving Lorna and Reed. Sonya insists that she had no choice. She did what she did to save the team. If she had more time, she would've asked Clarice's permission, but that wasn't the case. And if Clarice had said no, Sonya admits that she would've done it regardless. They are at war, she reminds John.

Later that night, John get a call from Marcos, who has gotten in touch with the Cartel. After making some calls to their contacts at Sentinel Services, they learned that Lorna and Reed are being moved by truck. It is a convoy that Marcos will later send him the route to. He then learns that Marcos is dealing with his ex-girlfriend,Carmen Guerra, who has taken over for her father, the former Cartel leader.


Harry, Clarice, Caitlin, Sonya, and John plan to attack the convoy

The next morning, in the monitoring cell, John tells the others about Marcos' discovery that a convoy of military vehicles is taking Lorna and Reed to a military airport. Based on the route, the best place to hit it would an old warehouse district off Peachtree. John asks Clarice if she can open a portal. She explains that if the driver can see out, then she can see in, but if the bus is moving, it can get messy, meaning they have to stop the bus. Clarice suggests that Marcos melt the tires, but Caitlin objects as that would be far from subtle. Should that happen, a battle will ensue, in which people die. The goal isn't just to get Reed and Lorna, it's to get them alive. John agrees. They need to find another way to stop the bus as their goal is to get in and out without dropping bodies.


John is impressed with Andy and Lauren's combined ability

While they were working on a plan to disengage the bus without arousing suspicion, Andy and Lauren have devised a plan of their own by combining their abilities. Lauren uses her ability as an element of precision and focus to Andy's destructive powers, which in turn allows them to tear objects apart with great accuracy. John is impressed after watching them perform this combined ability on the tire of a broken down taxi, so much so that he asks if they are capable of doing it from a longer range. Which they are. The best part is that no one will see where it came from. However, Caitlin is against using them as child soldiers to attack a convoy. John and Andy stay back while Lauren pleads her case with Caitlin to allow them to fight, as it was what she had always taught them to do. After a persuasive speech from Lauren, Caitlin agrees to allow them to stop the transport bus, but only if John can guarantee her that Andy and Lauren wouldn't be in harms way.

With Marcos' return to Headquarters, John learns that the prison convoy leaves at 10:00 a.m. the following day. They will sweep the route at 9:30, giving them half an hour window to set up. How did it go with Carmen, John asks. Marcos claims it was fine and that he did what he had to do, but John is greatly concerned given that he didn't want to see Marcos get caught back up with the Cartel. Afterward, while drawing up plans for the attack on the prison convoy, he is approached by Sonya.


Thunderbird and Blink in position

The day of the convoy has arrived. The team gets in place at their designated position within the warehouse district. Thunderbird and Blink take up position inside an abandoned warehouse. From their position, they should be able to see into the transport bus once Andy and Lauren blow out the tire. When he asks Blink if she is alright, she says that she hasn't been sleeping well. Thunderbird reasons that this is due to the adjustments at the station, with people constantly coming and going. Anything's better than jail, she remarks. For Thunderbird, it was almost impossible for him in the beginning, which comes as a surprise to Blink due to his military background and her thinking that nothing could be hard for him. He explains that originally, it was just him and Polaris with an impossible task. Blink wonders if he ever thought about walking away. All the time, Thunderbird replies. The only thing stopping him is his mission to save those in need. Blink then asks about the night that they first met, wondering if they went outside together. Thunderbird tells her that they didn't, though he knows this to be a result of Sonya's memory manipulation.


Thunderbird fails to track

Thunderbird and Blink prepare themselves as the convoy enter the warehouse district. They wait for Andy and Lauren to disengage the bus' tire at the designated location, though they fail to do so. While they did eventually manage to stop the bus, it isn't at the location in which Thunderbird had planned, forcing him and Blink to go looking for it. After ramming his way through a solid wall, he finds the bus a little further down the road. Blink's and Thunderbird's powers are being interfered with as she tries to portal them into the bus and he tries to track. There is only one person he had ever know who could disrupt mutant abilities — Pulse. Though, he died two years ago or so they thought. Thunderbird looks out the window and as he suspected, it is Pulse, who is now working for Sentinel Services and disrupting their abilities, which he is capable of doing for at least two blocks. Thunderbird then instructs Blink to check in on the others while he stops Pulse.


Thunderbird vs Pulse

Despite having his abilities deactivated, Thunderbird makes quick work of the Sentinel Service agent that is guarding Pulse. In a purely tactical attack, he disarms the agent in hand-to-hand combat, then takes the agent down by throwing him into the nearby Sentinel Services vehicle. Thunderbird then tackles Pulse to the ground, before calling out to him, hoping to reason with him. Though there is something visibly wrong with Pulse, as he is unresponsive. Thunderbird's nose began to bleed as Pulse strengthens his disruptive abilities. With no other choice, Thunderbird knocks him unconscious with a single punch. After doing so, he notices an unfamiliar tattoo or branding on Pulse's right wrist.


Eclipse and Thunderbird retrieve Polaris and Reed

After dealing with Pulse, Thunderbird finds Eclipse hiding behind a car. He tells Eclipse that he will explain the nose bleed later, which is unusual given his physical invulnerability, but for the time being, they needed to leave because Sentinel Services likely has reinforcement on the way. But Eclipse refuses to go without Polaris. Fortunately, she no longer needs rescuing. With Pulse out of commission, Polaris is with full use of her abilities, breaking down the bus door and escaping on her own from the transport bus, with Reed in tow. Upon exiting the bus, Sentinel Services agents begin shooting. Polaris stops the bullets mid-air, sending the gunfire back into the agents' direction before taking their guns and forcing them to retreat. Thunderbird and Eclipse proceed to greet Reed and Polaris. With Caitlin pulling up moments later, the four of them get inside and speed off.


Thunderbird hears drone while using his super senses

In "boXed in", Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris, Reed and Caitlin pull into a vacant lot to ditch the Sentinel Services registered SUV and retrieve the untraceable getaway cars they had earlier stashed nearby. Thunderbird stops to explain that Pulse was responsible for them losing their powers at the warehouse district. Polaris and Eclipse are in disbelief given that they all were under the impression that he died two years ago at the relocation facility. Furthermore, he would never work for Sentinel Services. He protected all his people in Macon, which as Thunderbird informs them, is a station that had been recently raided. Thunderbird then hears an incoming Sentinel Services drone. So Eclipse and Polaris volunteer to draw it away while Thunderbird, Caitlin and Reed head back to Headquarters.


Sage informs John of the raids

Thunderbird arrives at Headquarters with Reed and Caitlin to find the station crowded with new arrivals. He asks Shatter what's going on, but Shatter only redirects him to Sage. From Sage, John learns that Sentinel Services hit back soon after they hit the convoy. They raided every place they even suspected of being mutant sympathizers, with no warrants. Sentinel Services is out for blood. The Underground has their hands full and they can't even consider moving anyone with the heat Sentinel Services is applying. All they can do now is continue to man the scanners and keep their people off the grid. They need to keep listening because if anything turns up on the radio, they have to know about it.

John is forced to intervene in a fight between Reed and Fade. From Fade, John learns that the last time he and Reed crossed paths, Reed was working for Sentinel Services. As the crowd erupts in anger, John advises everyone to calm down and hear what Reed had to say.


Sage and John man the scanners

John plays mediator between Fade and Reed as the two go back and forth with one another. Fade questions how they can even consider trusting Reed after the stunt he pulled, nearly leading the Sentinel Services to the Underground. Reed replies that his own children are mutants and that he'd never betray the one place protecting them. The tension between the two only seems to grow and before John can do anything to solve it, Sage calls him back into the monitoring cells after picking something up on the scanners. Until a few minutes ago, the radios were going wild with activity, but it suddenly stopped. Now, a traffic stop is being called in. Before that, a drunk and disorderly by the freeway. But there's no word on the manhunt, leaving Sage to conclude that the police have given up, though Reed is unconvinced. He offers to help as he used to work similar manhunts and therefore knows the protocol. Dispatch calls in all units for a petty theft. So Reed asks for a map, marking on it the last three calls; a burglary in Stratford, lewd conduct at a bar in Hapeville, and a 586 in Glen Haven. They sent multiple units to all of three places, which means that they know the Underground is listening. So they have resorted to speaking in code. While Sentinel Services searched for Eclipse and Polaris, Atlanta PD is tightening a net, working a grid, looking for the Underground.


Sage, John, and Reed devise a plan to redirect the search

As they continue to listen to the scanner, John contemplates evacuating the station. Sage however advises him against such actions given that any identifiable mutants leaving the Underground will be apprehended before they are out of city limits. Since they are looking for fugitives, Reed suggests that he go out there to draw them away from Headquarters by making it seems as if they are in a different direction. Reed explains that Sentinel Services made an educated guess about the direction they went in, so if they were to see Reed anywhere in the opposite direction, they would assume that he is going to 85 South, toward Alabama, and they would redirect the search that way. But as Sage points out, if he gets caught, they will arrest and interrogate him, thus compromising the station. Maybe there is a way we could avoid that, John states, as he looks over to Fade.


John asks Fade to help save the station

John asks Fade if he can help save the station, informing him that Reed will lure the cops in the wrong direction, and that all he has to do is be the getaway driver. Fade is hesitant to sign on, as it means working with Reed. John explains that Harry took a bullet in the gut while saving Reed because he is that important to their mission. After telling Fade that he is going to do what is commanded of him, John tells Reed to say goodbye to his family as he's leaving in five minutes.

John and Sage monitor the scanners for the call to come in of Reed. Before long, dispatch makes the call, which results in the search being redirected, as theorized. While they are in the clear, Reed still needs to get out of site, so John tells Sage to text Reed's phone. Moments later, the officer on scene reports that the suspect (Reed) has fled the scene in a vehicle.


John, Lorna, Reed, Marcos, Sonya discuss Sentinel Services

Later that evening, with Fade, Reed, Marcos and Lorna all safe at Headquarters, John learns that Marcos and Lorna had kidnapped a Sentinel Services agent and used Sonya to gather information about Pulse from his memories. She can confirm that he at least knew Pulse. Sonya has sketched out all that she could gain from the short time she spent in Agent Turner's mind. In the sketches is a building, some documents and a logo, which is the same marking that John had discovered on Pulse's wrist. While Reed doesn't recognize the logo, he did however recognize the building, which he identifies as the Baton Rouge Federal Building. Some people he had prosecuted were transferred there, but he doesn't know what happened to them because they disappeared.


John saves a civilian during the Phoenix explosion

In "got your siX", four years ago, in Phoenix Arizona, John canvasses the area to raise money for those affected by the 7/15 incident. He introduces himself as a mutant veteran who had served in Afghanistan, like his father before him, who served in the Gulf. Unfortunately, there aren't too many interested in donating. One man in particular is outraged at the notion of raising money for those in need after the Dallas explosion. The man accuses him off attacking the country, only to later beg for money. John becomes angry to the point of him bending his steel clipboard and shouting out that he defended the country as he went on two tours. But a fellow mutant veteran calms him down. As a truck rounds the corner, John's super senses allows him to hear the individuals in the truck, who are plotting an attack. As everyone heads for cover, the man in the incoming vehicle throws out a pipe bomb. John grabs the bomb and tosses it across the street to blow up in a vacant parking lot. While no one is hurt, the bomb does however cause a car to explode, sending sharp metal flying. Luckily, John is there to catch it.


John and his father

Present day, at Headquarters, John looks at an old photo of what is presumably himself as a child with his father. Marcos enters his office with new details regarding Pulse. While there is nothing firm, there are rumors of mutants hunting other mutants for Sentinel Services, meaning that Pulse may not be the only one. They are barely staying ahead of humans. If Sentinel Services manages to turn them against each other, the Underground won't last much longer. As for the Baton Rouge Federal Building, Marcos had learned that it is a major mutant justice center for the south east. With Reed working with the judge there in the past, it is possible that he may have information about the program. If they can break in, they might finally have an actual understanding of how Sentinel Services is turning mutants against one another. While this isn't usually how John would operate, he is willing to make an exception.


John asks Clarice for help

John approaches Clarice in the vault to ask for her help in teleporting them into the federal building in Baton Rouge. While it is a lot to ask of her, they need to know more about Sentinel Services and what they did to Pulse. Clarice doesn't agree to help, rather she reveals to John that she knows all about the memory that Sonya had put in her head without asking her permission. John apologizes for the unwanted memory. He asked Sonya not to do it, but when she did, he didn't say anything because they had an emergency to deal with and afterward, they still needed Clarice's help. Hearing this only further angers Clarice, as it becomes apparent that they only want to use her for her powers. She has her own issues to sort out and her own people to find. John offers to assist in whatever she is looking for though Clarice denies his help. She just wants to know if the way he looked at her when they were in the warehouse was genuine. John can't give her the answer she wants, claiming it is complicated. As a mean to uncomplicate the situation, Clarice portals out the Underground. In a fit a rage, John dents the steel vault door with a single punch.


Underground meeting to discuss the federal building

John gathers around a table with Reed, Marcos, Shatter, Lorna, Sonya and Sage to discuss their plan of breaking into the federal building. Their mission is no longer just about hiding mutants. They are taking the fight to the enemy, making it a matter of survival. Reed tells them of his knowledge of the building. Some of his cases had been transferred to Baton Rouge. There is a judge James Kresge that works there. He dealt with most of Reed's cases. Shatter questions how many people Reed prosecuted that disappeared through the building. Reed says it was rare and that all they told him was that some of his cases were being prosecuted under a special federal program. Rather than wondering why Reed didn't do more, Marcos is only concerned with getting past the wall to the files, which he plans on Clarice getting them to. John takes that opportunity to reveal to everyone that Clarice left though he neglects to mention the reason for Clarice's sudden departure, which was Sonya's tampering of her memories. Having eavesdropped on their entire discussion, Andy volunteers to get them through the wall, as he can do it faster than Marcos, who claims he can cut through it.

The next day, John tells Marcos to be careful before they head out for Baton Rouge. He won't be joining them due to the Underground needing his supervision. Marcos insists that they will be alright without him and then the two of them engaged in a brief embrace.


John reinforces the station

While reinforcing the entrance of the station, John is joined by Sonya, who comes inquiring about his conversation with Clarice. She left, so it didn't go well. That's about par for the course these days, he remarks. Sonya figures that he's referring to Pulse, which she ensures John isn't his fault. However, John admittedly left Pulse, allowing Sentinel Services to take him. Sonya reasons that they all though Pulse was dead, but this did not make John feel any better about abandoning him, which leaves him wondering if the X-Men made a mistake in choosing him to be apart of the Underground. While he is doing all he can, it isn't nearly enough. He can't live up to who his father was. They have more refugees in the station than they can possibly save. John can barely protect a group as veterans as it is, though Sonya believes that he was chosen for a reason. The X-Men said a war was coming. However, they didn't say the mutants would win it, John counters.


Sonya and John kissing

The next day, John joins Sage and Shatter in the monitoring cell to inform them that a station in Alpharetta was hit. They managed to get about half of their people out and they are on their way to the Underground. However, as Sage explains, housing them will be no easy task given that they are already 78% over capacity. John apologizes for the inconvenience, but they don't have any other choice. While taking a breather, he is approached by Sonya, who inquires about Marcos's mission to retrieve the files from Baton Rouge. John tells her that he was successful. Having done so without Clarice, Sonya comments that not everything requires a portal. John reminds her that what they did to Clarice was wrong, though Sonya would beg to differ considering their actions saved lives. Regardless, they kept the truth from her, which they shouldn't have done. Sonya tells John that it is okay that he made it out, and pulse didn't, and that he need to keep moving forward. The two of them then share a kiss, but he cuts it short. They are at war and he has to remain focused. He can't do that if he is with Sonya, but she disagrees. The fact that they are at war means that all they have is "here and now". They resume kissing, but only momentarily, as John get a call from Marcos, who is almost back with Reed and Andy. Unfortunately, they are being trailed by a cop. Reed instructs John to check the traffic agency public notices to see if there is any directives to avoid Buford Highway, which there is, meaning that Marcos, Andy, and Reed are heading into an ambush.


John and Caitlin stay behind

John immediately alerts Lorna, Caitlin, and Lauren of the ambush. Despite getting away the first time, Lorna explains that the cops stopped them on their way to Baton Rouge. While they didn't find anything, the driver said he was going to Denver, so they were marked by the tollway cameras when spotted in Baton Rogue. With John failing to come up with a plan, Lauren devised a plan of her own, one that involves Wes creating on of his illusion. John and Caitlin stay behind while Lorna, Lauren, and Wes head out to save Marcos, Reed, and Andy.

Later that night, after Lorna, Lauren and Wes succeeded in saving Marcos, Reed and Andy from the police and Sentinel Services, John and Sonya read over the files that they had retrieved from Baton Rouge.


John and Lorna meet Marcos

In "eXtreme measures", three years ago, John and Lorna arrange a meeting with Marcos at a diner on the outskirts. They had heard a lot about Marcos' abilities and wanted him to join the Mutant Underground. Marcos is both flattered and amused with their offer, however, they don't seem to fully understand his situation, or so he thinks. They are very much aware of his story; how he is helping mutants cross the border. The only difference is that they want him to do it full time with the Underground. Marcos claims that was merely a side deal, where he had room in a couple of trucks, so he helped a couple people across. John questions if he genuinely wants to run trucks for the Guerra Cartel for the rest of his life, when he can be out saving people, making a difference in the world. Marcos explains that it is more complicated than that, mainly because he is dating the boss' daughter. With the X-Men gone and the government weighing down on them, they are the mutants' only chance of survival.


John announces that he's going to track down Clarice

After talking with the other station, John tells Marcos, Lorna, Sonya, Sage, and Reed that Sentinel Services is ramping up surveillance across the board, meaning things are going to get worse before they got better. Unfortunately, they are running out of supplies with the influx of refugees. So, Marcos volunteers to take a drive up to Marietta, where he supposedly heard that they had supplies to offer. John turns his attention to the hard drives from Baton Rouge, which Sage and Reed are working on. They are encrypted, but that likely means that there is something worth hiding on them. If they don't find out how Sentinel Services is turning mutants against each other, all their work will have been for nothing. Lastly, John announces that he will be leaving soon to track down Clarice. She knows the station's location, which can compromise the entire organization if she is apprehended. Lorna volunteers to join Marcos on his supply run but he insists that he can handle it.


John finds Clarice

John manages to track Clarice down to an old abandoned warehouse. He apologizes once more for the memory that Sonya put in her head without permission, which Clarice can still see. She describes it as being a bad soap opera that she can't escape. John came to convince Clarice to return to the station because she isn't safe. He admits however, that Clarice's safety isn't the only reason he came looking for her. The Underground needs her, though Clarice doesn't seem to care, stating that she has other stuff to attend to. What stuff, John asks. Clarice tells him that she is trying to find that countryside road that she kept portalling to when she got sick. She learned from them that nothing is random. There's always a reason to why they use their powers. So, Clarice believes that the road holds some form of significance to her. John volunteers to help her find it because she has no idea where she is headed. He owes her, if nothing else. While she is initially resistant, she eventually agrees to allow him to help her.


John and Clarice tracking

John and Clarice track the road that she kept portalling to while sick. John asks if she remembered anything about it, but she didn't as she was unconscious during the repeated portalling. She figured that she would be able to find something about it in the news. However, Sentinel Services is good about covering up mutant incidents. While Clarice appreciates his quest for redemption, he has failed in finding the road, so he is of no use to her. John desperately wants to help Clarice, though she doesn't believe it is possible without a trail to follow. John isn't so sure that this is true, explaining that she could have a trail inside her. When an animal is hurt or scared, their instinct is to take themselves to a place of safety, such as a nest or burrow. Clarice had her very own version of a burrow, where she felt loved and safe. John just needs to know where that was.


John's foresight

Headed down an unknown road, John asks Clarice what did the house she grew up in look like. She tells him it wasn't too big, a one story home for mutant foster kids, the ones that couldn't pass as human that is. She was only there for a couple years, back when she was supposed to be in high school. While the couple who ran it were caring, their idea of keeping the mutants safe was to hide them away forever. As they head further down the dirt road, Clarice recognizes the front gate. Just past the gate is the farmhouse that she lived in. Clarice runs over towards her former home. However, as she does so, John's foresight activates, allowing him to see a glimpse of the past. He sees Sentinel Services storm the house. Under the impression that something bad has happened, he advises Clarice to stay back, but that only makes her want to enter the home more. John punches through the locked door and once inside, they discover two distinct pools of blood and the back door riddled with bullet holes. As Clarice begins to cry, he holds her close.


Clarice agrees to join the fight against Sentinel Services

Just outside the farmhouse, John tells Clarice that he had found whatever traces he could and it looks as if her foster parents died trying to protect some of the foster kids. Clarice blames herself for the attack, as it was her portals that led them to the house. However, as John explains, Sentinel Services pulled the trigger. She isn't to be held accountable for their actions. He then gives her another hug. Clarice seeks to revisit her previous statement about the war with Sentinel Services not being her fight. She doesn't know if it was before, but it certainly is now.

After returning to the station with Clarice, John is greeted by Sonya with a kiss, though he seems upset.


Sage informs Reed and John of Trask Industries

The next day, in the monitoring cell, Sage informs John that the second drive mostly contains information from mutants who were sent into the program. Pulse happened to be one of the first. Unfortunately, all they have are the courthouse's records of who was selected, but it doesn't say anything on where they went. However, Reed explains that if it is ran by the Sentinel Services, then there has to be records given that it is a government program. Sage reveals that it isn't a government program at all. It is run by a private military contractor; Trask Industries, which Reed is familiar with since his father worked there for 35 years. However, it supposedly closed down in 2006. John questions if Reed's father has any involvement with the program, though Reed is unsure.


John and Marcos leave for the station on Perry

In "threat of eXtinction", after instructing Shatter to speak with the station in Gainsville, John is approached by Reed, who wants to visit his father in Chattanooga. In spite of the risk, he is their only connection to Trask Industries. A station in Perry had just fell, so John is heading out to pick up survivors, but he tells Reed to prepare a car with supplies and they'd leave once he returns. John then heads upstairs where Marcos informs him that Clarice will be joining them rather than Lorna. John suspects that something is wrong, but Marcos claims that everything is fine. However, a problem between Marcos and Lorna affects everyone since they are both leaders at the station, so John pushes a little harder. When he does, Marcos repeats that Lorna just isn't coming.


Thunderbird chokes out Chloe

Thunderbird, Eclipse, and Blink arrive at the Eternal Grace Church in Perry to collect the survivors of the fallen station. The pastor informs them that a dozen refugees fled when their station got hit, plus a few stray mutants that came along the way. Upon opening the shed where the survivors are hidden, Esme, a mutant telepath, tells Thunderbird that while she was in the shed, she was getting weird thoughts from one of the others, a sickly-looking woman later to be identified as Chloe Tan. Thunderbird approaches the woman, asking to speak with her. When she fails to respond, he grabs her wrist, revealing the very same brand from the Hound program that he had previously seen on Pulse. The woman reacts by delivering a massive kick to Thunderbird, knocking him into the dumpster with great force. Along with her strength comes speed, as she wastes little time in attacking the other refugees, Esme included. Thunderbird manages to get back to his feet and swing at the woman, but she is far too fast, delivering a number of quick strikes before knocking him to the ground yet again. While Eclipse keeps her in one place with his laser beams, Blink opens up a portal, teleporting Thunderbird just over top of the woman, allowing him to deliver a punch from above, before rendering her unconscious.


John prepares to leave for Chattanooga

Upon returning to Headquarters, they lock Chloe in a cell. Marcos describes her as being a cross between a spy and a suicide bomber. She had a beacon in her back that she could've activated when she got into the station, which would've compromised everything by leading Sentinel Services directly to them. She also has weapons, leaving Lorna to conclude that the station in Perry must've been hit by another Hound like her. With Sentinel Services planting Hounds, Sage suggests that they stop taking in refugees for the time being. However, John refuses to turn his back on desperate people just because one of them might be dangerous. He then tells Reed that it is time for them to head up to Chattanooga, where they hope to get answers from Reed's father in regards to Trask. As for the woman, they need to get what they can out of her. John instructs Marcos and Lorna to figure out who she is though he wonders if the two of them can handle it due to the obvious tension being displayed.

John and Reed arrive in Chattanooga, where much to John's surprise, Reed's father is an antique dealer. Given that he worked for Trask, John was under the impression that he is a scientist. Reed explains that he took it over when he retired, as he is big on living in the past. John and Reed then enter the antique shop, where Reed reunites with his father after 20 years.


Reed and John question Otto

After introducing himself, Otto sarcastically remarks that his name, "Thunderbird", is very heroic. He then mentions how the agents from Sentinel Services that came by made it seem as if the Underground was a terrorist organization. John insists that they aren't terrorist. Otto replies with another sarcastic remark of them being "Freedom fighters". Reed then asks his father if he heard about the incident at the school, which he had. Otto learned about it from the agents when they interrogated him. As for what he told them, he said that he never met his grandchildren and hadn't spoken to Reed in years. Moving on to his work at Trask, John and Reed have a few questions, but Otto claims that his work was classified and that he can't help them. Reed is upset as his father had told him for years that Trask was just a defense contractor. When Otto says that Trask no longer exists, Reed informs him that it is back and they are now doing anti-mutant research. With Otto working there for 30 years and his grandchildren being mutants, John and Reed find it hard to believe that it is a coincidence. John then informs Otto that Trask is also experimenting on mutants. His own best friend had been turned somehow and was working for Sentinel Services.


John at Pulse's side as he dies

As Sentinel Services pulls up outside, Thunderbird runs upstairs to inform Otto and Reed of their arrival. Unfortunately, there is no other way out and to make matters worse, they had brought Pulse with them, rendering both Thunderbird and Otto powerless. Without his powers, they'll cut Thunderbird down the same as anyone else. Hearing this, Otto volunteers to go down there, first apologizing to Reed for his actions, then telling him to not only protect Andy and Lauren, but to protect the world from them. As Otto speaks with the agents, Thunderbird and Reed listen from upstairs. Reed wants to go down, but Thunderbird reminds him that a lot of people are depending on them. After the agents refuse to leave, Otto activates his powers, despite Pulse's presence. However, this results in the agents shooting him. He is hit with two bullets, but that doesn't stop him from unleashing the energy as a blast that sends Campbell and his men wounded and running. Thunderbird and Reed head downstairs, where they find Otto's lifeless body on the floor. Just outside the shop, Thunderbird finds Pulse, wounded and barely conscious. Before dying, Pulse utters that he is sorry, as is Thunderbird, who swears that he'll make Sentinel Services pay for what they did to him. Pulse then passes on.

Later that night, after taking their bodies from the antique shop, Thunderbird and Reed bury Gus and Otto off road in shallow graves. Thunderbird throws a handful of dirt on Gus' grave. On Otto's grave, Reed leaves the family photo of him, Caitlin, Andy and Lauren from last summer.


John hears out Esme's plan

In "outfoX", John, Clarice, Marcos, Lorna, Sonya, Sage and Esme gather around to discuss how best to infiltrate Trask Industries in order to recuse the apprehended mutants, which includes Esme's family. From what Esme was able to gather from Chloe Tan's mind, the mutants in Trask's lab are desperate. Esme describes being able to hear the screams, see the bodies, and feel the agony when they turned Chloe into a Hound. With Sage assembling a site map, Sonya wonders if Esme was able to gain any information on the lab's security while in Chloe's mind. Unfortunately, she wasn't. However, this matters little to Esme who is determined to break in and save her family. Marcos and Lorna are just as determined as Esme to infiltrate the lab, but going into the facility without a full understanding of the building would only result in their deaths, so they choose to hold off.


John contemplates the Underground's next move

After the meeting, John is joined in his office bu Sonya as he contemplates their next move. He begins to think that Esme has a point in attacking the building head on, though Sonya begs to differ, stating that Esme is just a kid who has no idea what she is talking about. While this may be true, she is right about Pulse. John blames himself for leaving Pulse behind to be taken by Sentinel Services. However, Sonya argues that it wasn't his fault. This leads her to question how Esme knew of Pulse to begin with considering that she is new at the station. John deduces that she must've picked it up off of him given her telepathic nature. Regardless, none of that changes the fact that he left Pulse behind, which resulted in him being turned into a monster. John refuses to allow anyone else to suffer the same fate as Pulse. Unbeknownst to John and Sonya, Esme is eavesdropping from just outside the room.


John discovers Trask' location

From her surveillance of the Trask lab, John learns from Sage that it is located in the middle of nowhere. And while there is no information to be gathered on the location, there is a nearby bar that Sage determines is popular with Trask employees. Sonya and Lorna volunteer to go into the bar and pull information from a guard or operations person, which they succeed in doing.

They later regroup to discuss how the lab is hardened against mutant attack. They have motion and infrared sensors connected to heavy-caliber guns that are mounted all over the building. Neither Lorna nor Clarice can get them past Trask's defenses. Luckily, Sage managed to find one vulnerability. A power substation a few miles away. If they take it out, they can gain access to the lab before Trask's systems get back online. However, they don't have enough combat ready mutants to hit the station and the lab at the same time.


The Underground convinces the Struckers to help take down Trask

John, Marcos, Sonya, Clarice, Lorna, Esme, and Sage call down the Struckers to ask if Reed and Caitlin are willing to allow Andy and Lauren to disengage the substation transformers, similar to how they stopped the prison convoy. While it is admittedly a lot to ask, they have no other choice as everyone else with combat powers will be assaulting the lab. Sage hacked the security cameras and the station only has a handful of guards. Clarice will portal everyone in, and from there, Sonya will guide them. They'd been through every option. Unfortunately, the plan with Andy and Lauren is the only one that can work. Both Andy and Lauren are willing to help in whatever way they can. Reed and Caitlin agree to allow the kids to take out the transformers, but only if they can monitor security. With a plan set in motion, they'll be moving out within the hour.


Eclipse and Thunderbird outside Trask

Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris and Esme pull up in SUVs onto a dirt road not too far off from Trask. Thunderbird and Eclipse look ahead to see what awaits them while Polaris and Esme gather the equipment. Thunderbird and Eclipse proceed towards the fence separating them from Trask Industries. The entire building is guarded with armed officials and high powered guns mounted to the rooftop. Thunderbird remarks that the mission would be a whole lot easier if they had Pulse to take out every automated gun at the facility. Of course they would then be subjected to hear tales of his awesomeness for months. Both Thunderbird and Eclipse are going to miss him, and Thunderbird continues to blame himself. So Eclipse reminds him that he wasn't the only one that left Pulse behind that night at the relocation center. But today they get to make it up to him. Thunderbird calls Reed to inform him that they're in place.


Esme, Thunderbird, Eclipse and Polaris leave Trask

Just outside Trasks' fence, Thunderbird reminds Eclipse, Polaris and Esme that once the Struckers take down the substation transformer, they'll only have 3 minutes to get the charges up to the automated guns and get inside Trask. But if they're off by a few seconds, they'll be slaughtered. And they don't even know where they're going once they're in there. But that's what Esme is for. First they free the prisoners, then they destroy the mainframe and all of Trask's research. Eclipse wonders how Esme knows the prisoners will help. She merely states that she's sure they will. Unfortunately, not long after, thee alarms at Trask begin to sound. Eclipse suspects that they've been spotted, but Thunderbird hones in on his hearing and hears the guards say that the power station is under attack, meaning, Dreamer, Blink, and the Struckers have been discovered. With their cover blown, Thunderbird calls off the entire operation, but Esme refuses to go without her family. She pleads with Thunderbird to move forward with the mission, but they can't, forcing him to pick Esme up over his shoulders and carry her out the area.


Thunderbird demands order

In "eXploited", the Mutant Underground is under distress following the apprehension of Dreamer, Blink, Andy and Lauren by Sentinel Services. Lorna wants to move in now to retrieve the team, but Caitlin and Reed argue that hitting Sentinel Services is far too risky. Lorna reminds them that it isn't just her people with Sentinel Services, they also have Andy and Lauren, though Caitlin needs no reminder. John grows tired of their senseless bickering and breaks the table in a fit of rage while demanding that they stop because there is no more "yours" or "ours". Andy, Lauren, Sonya and Clarice are all of their people. While Reed argues that going in weapons drawn will only get someone hurt, Lorna worries that the longer they wait, the greater the risk of their friends being turned into Hounds become. As Lorna, Reed and Caitlin go back and forth, Marcos and John decide to send out Sage and Shatter as scout at Trask.


John discovers that the Struckers have left the station

Marcos, Lorna and Esme report to John that the Struckers have left to speak with Agent Turner. Esme says that they had some idea about convincing Agent Turner to get everyone out of Trask lab. As if a life time spent behind bars is better, Esme remarks. Even if Reed and Caitlin succeed in convincing Agent Turner, then he moves them to a detention center and they're gone forever. Even if there's a small chance that Agent Turner will move the prisoners tonight, John and Lorna think that they might be able to recuse everyone. However, Marcos argues that it's still a big risk. Last time they hit Sentinel Services, they were hit back hard. Given that Reed was a lawyer, Esme informs John that it's possible they may get through to Turner. Regardless, they need a plan. Marcos recalls that Shatter is still scouting Trask. So he needs to know that Sentinel Service might be coming.

John later gets word from Shatter that Sentinel Services is at Trask with a large transport vehicle and relays this to the others. They can't believe that the Struckers actually managed to pull it off. Unfortunately, the Underground doesn't have a lot of time to make their move. They're going to storm Sentinel Services on the road, free the prisoners and make their escape off the interstate. They're going to have a maximum of 1-2 minutes. The guards coming from the lab are going to be coming at them fast and they might have Hounds. Esme volunteers to go in to scout security, read one of the guards to see what she can find out.


Thunderbird, Esme, Eclipse and Polaris plan to stop the transport

Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris and Esme convene with Shatter just outside Trask. He tells them that he saw 2 Sentinel Services SUVs, 2 Sedans and a transport vehicle. And they all rolled in pretty high. Thunderbird's foresight allows him to see that Sentinel Services just left the building with the friends. When Polaris asks if they were all there, Thunderbird replies that he isn't sure. All he knows is that there is a group of them. They're going to be at the gate soon. Eclipse and Esme go in now to see what they can get off the guard at the booth. Eclipse returns not that long after to inform Thunderbird, Polaris and Shatter about Esme's betrayal and her two identical sisters, who are killing the Sentinel Services agents.


John leaves flowers for Sonya

In "3 X 1", the Underground holds a service for Sonya, who was killed by Dr. Campbell at Trask labs. Both Lorna and Marcos speak on her behalf, explaining how everything Dreamer did, she did for everyone at the station, up until the very end. She could've disguised herself as a human forever, but she chose to live with them, her true family. It's days like this that remind them that they're up against people that don't think of them as human. And they will point to their differences. But the simple fact is this: Mutants love like they do. Mutants die like they do. Mutants grieve like they do. Sonya will not be forgotten. And Marcos promises they will find justice for her. Lorna and Marcos then place flowers on Sonya's grave. Followed by the Struckers. Lastly, John leaves flowers.


John cries over Sonya's death

John returns to the station. He stops on the steps as everyone goes inside and begins to cry. He pulls himself together just as Clarice approaches to check on him. She knows that Sonya meant a lot to him and he meant a lot to her. If there's anything John needs, Clarice volunteers her assistance. John's voice cracks as she explains that everything is so confusing. Regarding Esme and her sisters, no one can agree on whether what they did was a disaster or miracle. However, their goal remains the same, to stay focused and take down the Hound program. As far as game plans are concerned, they don't have any. But John refuses to lose anymore friends.


The Underground hears out the Frost Sisters' alliance proposal

Esme and her sisters, Sophie and Phoebe pay the Underground an unexpected visit. They've come peacefully as they only desire to talk about the Hound program, which is expanding, and they want the Underground's help in taking it down. However, some are still upset that Esme used and lied to them. Admittedly, Esme mislead them, but she also saved Lauren, Andy and Clarice, as well as her own family. The ends justify the means as far as she is concerned. As for why they need the Underground's help despite their own powers being so great, Sentinel Services knows what they look like. So they can't take them on by themselves. They have information about Dr. Campbell's plans and resources to share. Meanwhile, the Underground has the muscle. While Caitlin and Marcos refuse to even consider an alliance of any kind, John seems more willing though he does kick them out after hearing what they have to offer.


Sage informs John and Clarice of the Frost Sisters

After some digging, Sage informs John of what she found. She knows there are three sisters. At least that they know of. Esme, Sophie and Phoebe Frost. But they often use new alias. When Sophie and Phoebe were arrested, they gave their last name as Cuckoo. John asks if Clarice got anything from Phoebe and Sophie while on the transport. Unfortunately, she didn't. Their police file says that they have a HIVE mind. Capable of limited psychic control if they can get close and the target doesn't see it coming. They're politically connected and wealthy. Sage discovers via a campaign photo that one of them (Esme), infiltrated Senator Montez's campaign last year. Clarice recognizes Montez and accuses him of being a Purifier. John worries that an alliance with the Frost Sisters will tear the station apart. However, as Clarice points out, that's already happening due to the Underground being at odds in regards to the Frost's actions at Trask. Sage decides to separate the arguing Underground members while Clarice and John further discuss their game plan. Sage then calls John over for help as the Underground continues to fall apart.


John, Lorna and Marcos discuss the alliance with the Frost Sisters

A couple days later, John convenes with Marcos and Lorna to tell them that they need to come to a decision on whether they should forge an alliance with the Frost. As far as Marcos is concerned, Esme and her sisters are not an option as he doesn't agree with their tactics, but Clarice interjects that they saved her, which is apparently enough for her to agree to the alliance. Marcos is worried as they've now been pulled into an all-out war with Sentinel Services. Congress could declare Martial law, not that Clarice seems to care since they didn't need Martial law when they killed her foster parents. Lorna agrees. Adding that there's no reason for them to continue fighting with one hand tied behind their backs while Sentinel Services is coming at them with full force. But Marcos doesn't want to disregard their principals just because it's convenient. the X-Men chose them for a reason. They will take down the Hound program, but they'll do it their way. Sage interrupts to inform them that she had learned from the police scanners that something big is about to go down.

After learning from Sage that the Fairburn station is under attack, Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris and Blink head down to save the Struckers. Thunderbird calls Reed to inform him that they are on their way. Reed tells him that they're hiding out on the south end of the building, but they can't get to an exit. It was just them and Wes as most of the refugees have already surrendered. Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris and Blink arrive at the station soon thereafter. Thunderbird hears them prepping to surround the building, and so Blink portals them in.


The Underground escapes the Fairburn station

Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris and Blink make their way through the station while it is under constant fire. They find the Struckers and Wes on the south end and see them to safety though it is no easy task as the Hounds continuously strike the building with great power. Lorna and Marcos are hit, but it is Lorna who goes flying several feet into the air. Luckily, Thunderbird is there to catch her. Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris Blink, Lauren, Wes, Andy, Reed and Caitlin quietly move throughout the woods, hoping not to alert any nearby agents. To make matters worse, Thunderbird's foresight reveals that their car has been discovered. Andy then jumps to his feet and leads the group out of the woods, claiming that "they" said it was safe. "They" turn out to be the Frost Sisters, who are waiting by the road with escape vehicles.

Upon returning the station, John, Lorna and Marcos questions how the Frost Sisters even found them in Fairburn. They claim that they have sources. The Hounds that attacked them is what the Sisters tried to warn the Underground about. But it was only the start. It's going to get worse, which is why they need the Underground's help to take down Campbell and Trask.


John, Lorna, and Marcos grow suspicious of Clarice

In "eXtraction", John invites the Frost Sisters to the station to discuss how they plan to stop the Hound program. However, before starting, Marcos makes one thing clear, that their being there, doesn't make them friends. Esme, Sophie and Phoebe explain that they're dealing with a secret program that must be stopped as soon as possible as their sources have informed them that Dr. Campbell is working his political connection to take the program International. Their best chance to stop him will be at the Humanity Today Summit in Charlotte tomorrow, where major anti mutant politicians, business heads and Purifiers will be present. The Frost Sisters want to kidnap Campbell to stop the program. When Clarice opposes the idea, the Sisters claim that they know all about her criminal past and "old friends", something she had not shared with the Underground, which arouses suspicion in John, Marcos and Lorna.

As the Struckers are settling back into the station, John comes into the room to inform them about their plan to kidnap Campbell and to ask Reed if he was able to extract anything useful from Otto Strucker's old research notes. Unfortunately, Reed didn't uncover much. Reed couldn't follow much of his father's work. Considering that Otto's research helped build the Hound program, John is positive that there must be something of use from his notes. If they're trying to take the program apart, it's best to start from the beginning.


John learns of Clarice's time with the Brotherhood

While John is packing for the mission, Clarice approaches him and tells him that two years ago, she was troubled by some purifiers in Clarke County and they basically ran her out of town. She was upset, and started looking for people who felt the same way as her. She found some mutants who were pushing back. It turned out that they were apart of the Brotherhood. John takes this to mean that Clarice joined the Brotherhood, but she insists that was never the case. She helped them with a few things, but when they asked her to do certain other things that she wasn't comfortable with, she left. When John asks why she didn't tell them that from the beginning, Clarice explains that Sage asked what she was arrested for, and nothing Clarice did with the Brotherhood led to her arrest. John grows angry at the fact that she hid this from them. He tells her that when he went to look for her after she left, he did that because he thought she was one of them, but now he's starting to rethink that.


The team arrives at the safe house

John, Lorna, Marcos, Clarice, Esme, Sophie and Phoebe arrive at a very large and expensive looking safe house in Charlotte. Clarice notes that it looks "boujee", so the Sisters sarcastically offer to accommodate by bringing in mold and smashing holes in the floor. Esme then sees them inside, during which time she informs them that the safe house comes with a full security system, and they're set up for a variety of interrogation methods. Although, Esme should be able to extract any information they need. The X-Men started the Underground before they vanished, but didn't leave them with much. While the Hellfire Club's founders, the Brotherhood, left them with a lot more. In half an hour, their ticket to the summit will be driving down a road near the safe house, so they need to get ready.


Thunderbird, Polaris and Eclipse kidnap Franklin Bennett

Thunderbird, Eclipse, Polaris, Blink and Esme are in position. Eclipse is upset with the Frost Sisters method of getting them into the summit, which is done through their kidnapping of Franklin Bennett, a big fundraiser for anti-mutant causes. He attends the Humanity Today Summit every year. If they're with him, they get past the gate. Thunderbird's research of him reveals that he made a ton of money in pharmaceuticals. When he retired, he decided he wanted to contribute to society. His way of giving back was going after mutants. As the silver sedan approaches, Blink and Esme pull out into the road to block its path, thus forcing Bennett to a stop. Polaris throws several knives into the man's car, flattening his tires. Thunderbird then rips his door off and Eclipse tells him to get out.


Marcos and John get dressed as security detail

The team brings Bennett back to the safe house for interrogation. The Frost Sisters handcuff him to a chair and force him to make a phone call to the Humanity Today Summit. Meanwhile, John and Marcos get dressed in a security uniform. While John knows that Marcos isn't a fan of the Frost Sisters, he has to be in if someone's going to offer a lot of help to take down the people that killed Pulse and Sonya. Marcos is only doing this for John and Lorna, but he honestly doesn't like it. John explains that when he was in Afghanistan, in the Marines, he had to work with a lot of people he didn't like, but they have to fight the fight that's in front of them. John and Marcos then enter the den to find the Frost Sisters torturing Bennett, though Clarice brings an end to it.


Thunderbird and Blink kiss

Not long after, the team makes it past the front gate of the summit with Bennett as planned. Thunderbird and Blink discuss their end of the plan. Blink can get them past the guards, onto the balcony and Thunderbird will have to take them to the elevator from there. Thunderbird then address Blink's actions in stopping the Frost Sisters from torturing Bennett. He's beginning to think that he's was too hard on her earlier about her past with the Brotherhood as all that matters at that moment is who she is now. That she's one of them. Thunderbird and Blink then kiss. Right after that, Blink portals Eclipse, Thunderbird and herself into the Summit.


Thunderbird, Blink and Eclipse infiltrate the summit

Thunderbird, Blink and Eclipse proceed further into the building. Thunderbird's foresight allows him to track Campbell throughout the building. He's coming up with a few guards in the elevator. And there are 3 more armed guards in the suit down the hall. Thunderbird and Eclipse wait on the opposite side of the elevator for Dr. Campbell to exit. When he does, Eclipse blinds them with a bright ray of light. Unfortunately, he then is attacked by Aide while Thunderbird is preoccupied with stopping the armed guards. Once he finishes with the guards, Thunderbird takes out Aide as well. However, before they can get to Campbell, a group of children exit the elevator. So, Campbell picks up a gun and uses the children as leverage/human shields for his escape. Their troubles don't end there. The aforementioned 3 armed guards exit the suit and begin firing. Eclipse makes it to cover while Thunderbird is hit several time while protecting Blink from the gunfire. Luckily, he is bullet proof.


Polaris, Blink, Thunderbird, Eclipse and Esme flee the summit

In "X-roads", Thunderbird, Eclipse and Blink portal back to the drop off location after escaping the armed guards. Esme is irate that they didn't return with Dr. Campbell, but as Eclipse explains, it wasn't their fault as Campbell shielded himself with a bunch of kids. Not that Esme cares as a lot of people will die if the Hound program continues. So she refuses to leave without him. But with security moving in, they have no choice but to flee the scene. Which leads to a car chase as law enforcement is right behind them, though not for long. Polaris yanks down a utility pole to obstruct law enforcement's path, allowing the team to get away.

Upon returning to the safe house, Esme questions how they could let Campbell escape. Marcos asks what more could they have done other than attack a bunch of kids, which he, John and Clarice are against. Because they let Campbell getaway, he is now on his way to D.C. with the Senator, and after the attack at the Summit, they just gave them even more reason to expand the Hound program. What they need to figure out now is where Campbell is so they can finish what they started.


John tries to track Lorna

John later tries to call HQ but no one picks up. Marcos then comes downstairs to inform him and Clarice that he can't find Lorna. John tries to track her, but she's left the safe house with Sophie and Phoebe. John, Marcos and Clarice confront Esme, who reveals that Lorna and her sisters are doing what the rest of them couldn't. Campbell and Montez filed a flight plan. They fly out of Morrison Air Center in 20 minutes. The most important thing is to make sure he doesn't get to D.C. They realize that this has now gone from a kidnapping to an assassination. While John has as much of a reason to hate Campbell as anyone, assassinating him goes against everything they stand for. If they start killing, it's going to make life worse for mutants everywhere. Esme argues that life is already worse for mutants everywhere. Marcos loses his patients and demands that Esme shut up. They're going to get Lorna, and if he even sees Esme's eyes turn blue, he'll blind her permanently.

While in route to stop the assassination, John, Clarice and Marcos hope to reach the airport before Lorna does something she regrets. Marcos blames himself for not knowing and stopping her. Ever since they broke her out of that convoy she's been different. John knows that she's had issues in the past, but Clarice and Marcos assure him that it's not a bipolar episode. Lorna knows exactly what she's doing.


Eclipse, Thunderbird, and Blink watch as Polaris destroys the plane

Thunderbird, Eclipse and Blink arrive on scene at the airport to find Polaris waiting to make her move against Campbell and Montez. She tells them this is something she has to do before begging them to stay out her way. She blocks their path with barbed wire. Eclipse tries to reason with her, reminding her of 7/15 and all the innocent lives that were lost. Not everyone on the plane is trying to hurt them. If she takes the plane down, they die. But if Polaris doesn't take it down the innocent people on their side will die. Thunderbird tells her that she's not a killer and this isn't why the X-Men chose them. Polaris claims they made a mistake in picking her. Like Eclipse, Polaris cares about her family and wants to keep them safe. They merely have different ways of approaching the matter. She's tired of hiding and they have to take a stand. Not like this. This changes everything, Eclipse counters as their kid will have to live in this world. To that, Polaris replies "It's time to make a new world". As the plane carrying Senator Montez and Dr. Campbell takes flight, Polaris tears it apart in the sky, causing the plane to crash and presumably killing everyone on board. The blast from the impact knocks Eclipse, Thunderbird and Blink to the ground. By the time they get up, Polaris is gone.


Marcos, John and Clarice arrive at the station in Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee, the Underground has regrouped at the Mutant Way Station. John, Marcos and Clarice arrive some time later. When they do, Sage informs them that while it was close, everyone got out. If not for Andy and Lauren, they would all be dead. Sage goes onto tell them that the station is completely gone, as are the Hounds, who Andy and Lauren killed when destroying the station. John and Marcos have an especially hard time taking this in as they've put everything into the station. Marcos asks if there's been any word from Lorna, Sage tells him that there hasn't been.


The remainder of the Underground

John announces that they need to start thinking about next steps. With Headquarters gone, a lot of people have nowhere to go. It's time to rebuild. It's not just about the building, but more so the network and the people in it. Although, Sage, Shatter and Fade doubt that it's even possible to start from nothing. Furthermore, Sage points out that since the Struckers arrived, half their stations have been destroyed, but Caitlin counters that the Hound program was coming one way or another. Marcos explains that the X-Men did this knowing it would take struggle and sacrifice. Lorna interrupts with Esme, telling them that there's nothing noble about struggle and that the Mutant Underground is dying. But that world that they've always talked about where they don't have to hide and live in fear, she wants to build that for them. Lorna and Esme intend to rebuild the Hellfire Club, but they need people. The people they've come for know who they are, which includes Fade, Bulk, and Sage, who apologizes to John for switching allegiance, but for her this is just about survival. Last to join them is Andy, who feels as if it's his birthright.

Season 2[]


Thunderbird and Eclipse track hiding mutants

In eMergence, John and Marcos are alerted by Reed that Sentinel Services is raiding Liberty Park Apartments. Thunderbird tracked two groups of mutants from Liberty Park Apartments. He and Eclipse take one trail while Lauren and Blink take another. Fortunately, Thunderbird and Eclipse manage to find the first group of mutants hiding in a closet, unharmed. Eclipse assures them that they'll be safe with them as Thunderbird alerts Blink and Lauren that the second group went into the storm drains on the north side.


Underground meeting

The next day, John, Marcos, Clarice, Lauren, Reed and Caitlin are held up at the Potomac Salvage junkyard. Reed speaks to the group, as he's very much aware that losing Liberty Park Apartments is difficult to stomach. But it is because of what they did that ten mutants and their families get to start new lives today. So he would like to try and focus on that instead. Furthermore, Reed has organized transportation for the people they took in and got them documents. Shatter's crew in Baltimore are going to get most of them someplace safe. However, Lauren is concerned for Cristina, a rescued mutant from the raid, who doesn't wish to leave without her sister Jazmine. While the trail is a day old, John and Clarice will continue their efforts to find Jazmine, and until then, Cristina will stay with them. Lastly, Marcos had been asking around, and in doing so, got in contact with a group of mutant hackers who can get into computer systems. Marcos spoke to the man in charge, Wire, personally. John and Reed are upset with Marcos' effort to reach out as the hackers are known criminals, however, Caitlin, as desperate as she is, doesn't believe they have too many other options. John reminds everyone that the only thing keeping them safe is that the government thinks they died in Atlanta. So they have to be careful. However, given that his child is about to be born, Marcos is done being careful.


John and Clarice kiss

While John feeds Zingo dinner scraps, Clarice checks with Cristina, asking if she's sure that she doesn't want anything to eat. Cristina's sure. She can't think about anything other than her sister. Clarice assures Cristina that she shouldn't worry as John's an excellent tracker who can find anyone. She then tells Cristina to get some rest before joining John in the kitchen. He inquires about Cristina's state in mind, to which Clarice replies that she's fine and that Marcos is the one they should be worried about. The closer they get to the baby's due date, the more irrational he seems to become. John agrees, offering to talk to Marcos. He and Clarice then proceed to kiss, though she abruptly stops, asking if he really wants to get her in the mood, before telling him to finish the dishes. John acknowledges this as being both manipulative and highly effective.


Thunderbird tracks Jazmine

The next day, before Thunderbird and Blink continue on the trail for Cristina's sister, Blink puts in eye contacts and puts on make up to hide her green eyes and cover her purple mark. With Sentinel Services potentially still around, they need to take precautions. Nonetheless, Blink isn't happy about it, claiming that she feels exposed and basic. To make matters worse, she can't portal while wearing the contacts because she can't see the portal energy. When Thunderbird suggests that she practice portalling with eye contacts, Blink retorts that it's like asking someone to practice darts blindfolded while in a hurricane. She then asks if he has talked to Marcos yet, which he hasn't. Blink suspects that he's afraid to.


John and Clarice tell Cristina they can't find her sister

John and Clarice are unsuccessful in finding Jazmine. They relay this information to Cristina. They tracked Jazmine across the city. Seems she was trying to get out of town. She got to the bus station, but it looked like she got picked up, but there was no sign of a struggle. So they're still hoping that one of their people took her in, and so they're reaching out now. Lauren explains to Cristina that this is good news because if Sentinel Services found her, there definitely would have been a struggle. Clarice promises to find Jazmine, but it's going to take a little while. They're going to follow up with their contacts and Christina is going to stay with them. Then, Marcos and a hurt Caitlin enter the room. They reveal that they arranged a meeting with Wire, which went south. While they still don't know where Andy and Lorna are, it is a step in the right direction.

John proceeds to call Reed and tells him that Caitlin was grazed by a bullet. Although, she'll be fine, they need for him to hurry home with a suture kit and some bandages.


The Underground can't track Lorna

That night, John, Clarice, Marcos, Caitlin, Reed and Lauren attempt to track the power waves to Lorna as she has gone into labor and thus her contractions are causing power surges for miles. John uses his tracking abilities, telling Marcos to follow the power lines. However, Marcos is angered with how slow they're going, looking to Clarice to portal them, but as Clarice explains, they don't know where they're going and they're miles from it. Unfortunately, before they can track the surge to its source, the entire grid shuts down, preventing John from tracking it any further. Marcos questions what this means, if Lorna or the baby are dead. Unfortunately, no one has the answers for him. In an emotional state, Marcos drops down to his knees in agony as his hands glow.


John in an arena fight

In unMoored, three years ago, Tucson, Arizona, before becoming a leader of the Atlanta station for the Mutant Underground, John was an underground arena fighter. While in the ring, he goes toe-to-toe with a couple men armed with sledge hammers and aluminum baseball bats. They beat John mercilessly as the crowd chants. John quickly regroups and takes out the two of them with little to no difficulty. Afterwards, while sitting at the bar, he is approached by Evangeline Whedon. Evangeline believes that John was meant to be more. So she explains that she worked with the X-Men before they disappeared and she now needs John's help, and in him doing so, she'll provide him with purpose again. Evangeline is very much aware of John's past. His life on a poor reservation and his two tours in the marines with decorations for bravery, and how he was kicked out after 7/15. As for Evangeline, she only ever wanted to be a lawyer, becoming the youngest prosecutor in Philadelphia history. And then her powers manifested and she lost everything. She was close to ending it when the X-Men found her. Back to John, who she wants to lead the Atlanta station. She explains that John is being chosen because they know who he is capable of being.


John wants to visit Evangeline

Present day, John enters the apartment to find Marcos welding something for the baby. Marcos never gave up hope that he and Lorna would find their way back to each other. He even bought a bottle of Champagne to celebrate when he found out that he and Lorna were having a baby. He ordered the same kind on their first day. It cost more than the dinner itself and Lorna laughed at him for spending such an outrageous amount. John encourages Marcos to hang on to hope, but that is precisely what's been killing Marcos. He doesn't even know if Lorna and the baby are alive, though John is sure of it despite the fact that all they have in their favor is a load of bank statements from four different continents. The Inner Circle is up to something, and Marcos fears that Lorna and their child will get caught in the crossfire. However, John knows of someone who might be able to help.


John is chained to the bed

The following morning, John sits awake in bed, thinking about the Atlanta station and how Evangeline recruited him to lead it. Clarice wakes up, asking questions pertaining to John's plan to visit Evangeline. John believes that she might be able to help track down the Inner Circle, but Clarice can tell that she's missing something as John looks concerned. John reveals that he and Evangeline have a complicated relationship though they were never romantically involved, as Clarice begins to momentarily suspect. When John was discharged from the Marines, he became addicted to pills to deal with the pain. Evangeline helped him through it. She chained him to the bed during his withdrawals, telling him to focus on the cause. This was the worst time of John's life. He states. But she got him through it. However, after what happened in Atlanta, John isn't sure that she will even talk to him.


John, Caitlin and Marcos ask Evangeline for help against the Inner Circle

John, Marcos and Caitlin have arrived in Philadelphia. They visit Evangeline at her firm, though she isn't pleased to see them as their arrival could result in Sentinel Services connecting her firm to the Mutant Underground. She can't have them there, especially since they're fugitives who are supposed to be dead. Marcos informs her that they're fighting every day while she's hiding. Caitlin pleads with her to help in anyway, but as Evangeline explains, she's simply a mutant's rights lawyer. John knows some of her past cases involved tracing bank records so he wants her help in tracking down the Inner Circle through their records. Evangeline is very much aware of the Inner Circle. When she questions how they managed to gain a USB's worth of information on the group, Marcos replies that a friend acquired it for them, leaving her to wonder if that friend is still alive.


Evangeline can't help John, Caitlin and Marcos

Evangeline speaks to an associate of hers, who managed to trace some of the Inner Circle's transactions. There are weapons purchases, facilities, assets diversified and hidden in every way imaginable. Evangeline explains that Reeva Payge is preparing for war, someone who John, Marcos and Caitlin are all unfamiliar with. She's one of the most powerful mutants still standing after 7/15. John wants Evangeline's help to stop her, but Evangeline explains that the Inner Circle's resources are too great, not to mention that they have Polaris and a descendant of the Von Struckers. The Underground doesn't have the power to go to war with the Inner Circle. John wants to get other Mutant Underground stations from places such as New York, Chicago and L.A. for the fight, but Evangeline refuses given his failure in Atlanta, which by the way, led to half of the Underground being taken apart by Sentinel Services. She refuses to allow John to destroy the rest of what they built, and then kicks the three of them out of her office.

Marcos and Caitlin attempt to comfort John by explaining that the station in Atlanta going down was not his fault. They were all there, but as far as John is concerned, it was his responsibility. Marcos would beg to differ however, believing that it was all of their duties. John then tells them to go on ahead and that he'll meet them at the car as he rushes back to Evangeline's office.


John asks Evangeline for help

John reenters Evangeline's office. He didn't come all that way to give up. Evangeline informs him that they can't win. She apologizes for being so harsh but it's the truth. John recalls Evangeline finding his in Tucson three years ago and how she told him that he needed a cause. John has people dying and they need something to believe in after what happened in Atlanta. While Evangeline can't tear apart the Underground just for John's search of the Inner Circle, she does however know of a mutant separatist who goes by the name of Erg. He lives in the tunnels under D.C. and nothing happens in town that he doesn't know about. John thanks her for this information, but Evangeline explains that giving him hope is the worst possible thing she could do. Reeva is ruthless, and his friends are never coming home. She'll kill them first. And if they stay with her, chances are the Underground will have to kill them. Evangeline's sorry for that night in Tucson. She gave John a cause but she didn't know that cause was doomed.


Clairce and John kiss

John returns to the apartment to find Clarice in the restroom, removing her eye contacts and make up. Passing as non mutant has become quite tiresome for her. John then informs her that he made some progress with Evangeline. From her, he got the name of a mutant who might be able to help them find the Inner Circle as he has eyes everywhere. Clarice senses that something is wrong with John, so she asks if something happened with Evangeline. John claims that everything's fine, much to Clarice's satisfaction. They then proceed to kiss.

That night, as Clarice sleeps, John heads down to the scrapyard, repeatedly punching a truck to worst out his frustrations as he remembers Pulse, Dreamer and all the others they've lost.


John and Clarice plan to look for Erg

In coMplications, John and Clarice discuss the mutant separatist Erg, who lives in the sewers and can supposedly help them find Andy and Lorna. While Caitlin looks over the information they got from Evangeline Whedon, John and Clarice will head down town. Marcos wishes to join them, but John tells him to sit this one out, especially after the "light show" he put on for Lorna the night before, which is all over the news. Clarice jokingly remarks that the next time he drunk dials his ex, to leave the eastern seaboard out of it. As they head out, Clarice questions what's been going on with John ever since they got back from Philadelphia with Evangeline. She then notices the bruises on his hands, which John claims is a result of late night training. John explains that if he hits something hard enough, his skin breaks, however, Clarice is still concerned for his well-being. Nevertheless, John insists that nothing is wrong.


John and Clarice track Erg in the tunnels

As John and Clarice arrive at their destination, Clarice begins to suspect if maybe Evangeline was screwing with John by directing him to Erg. However, John's willing to take whatever chance they have. With that being said, they head into the sewers, where John proceeds to use his tracking abilities. He is able to determine that people came through there recently and that they're on the right track. As they head further in, Clarice grows tired of traveling the sewers, suggesting that Erg purchase a phone or meet them at a more convenient location, such as a Starbucks. John notes that someone's trying to get them lost down there. He looks over to the wall, which turns out not to be a wall at all, but an illusion, which they walk straight through.


John looks through Clarice's portal

John and Clarice continue their search for Erg, which is taking longer than they anticipated. Clarice starts to suspects that they're going in circles. Her suspicions are proven to be correct after passing the same clump of green goop on the wall. Clarice wants to abort the mission once John realizes that there's something interfering with his tracking. However, John explodes at her, telling Clarice that they're not giving up. With that being said, Clarice has an idea. She can see energy fields that she uses to portal. So, she can try and look past what they want are intended to see. Clarice proceeds to open a portal a couple hundred feet ahead. As soon as they travel through the portal, they are met by several individuals armed with guns.


John and Clarice look at Erg's arrival

As Clarice and John are being guided throughout the tunnels by this mysterious new group, Clarice wonders why John hasn't stopped them yet, pointing out that he's bulletproof. However, as John reminds her, they're up against five people and Clarice isn't bulletproof. Before long, they are greeted by the one they've been searching for, Erg. He asks why they've come. John explains that Evangeline Whedon, who worked for the X-Men and the Underground sent them. Erg agrees to talk, but only to Clarice. John initially refuses to allow Clarice to leave with Erg, but she conceives him otherwise.

Clarice returns to John after her chat with John. She reminds John of the green goop they saw on the wall. Apparently, there's a mutant down in the tunnels who watches places through it. He said that the Frosts were in a utility tunnel with some city workers. They were tapping into a data cable, under the Health Department, but that's all they know.


Thunderbird is a strong-willed and caring individual. He routinely risks his life to help other mutants and is a very militant minded individual with vast skills and leading capability. He is shown to have some insecurities, as he has occasionally questioned his role as leader of the Mutant Underground; sometimes pondering whether or not the X-Men made a mistake in appointing him the underground's leader. He is also shown to take his role as a leader very seriously, and constantly juggles keeping his professionalism and personal feelings a distance to protect his loved ones, as shown with his late girlfriend, Sonya Simonson and new girlfriend, Clarice Fong.

Physical Appearance[]

Thunderbird is a tall, muscular man with a dark brown eyes, short, black hair and a tan complexion. He often wears a sleeveless, leather vest, revealing the Native American bird he has tattooed on his left arm.

Abilities and Skills[]


  • Superhuman Condition: Thunderbird possesses superhuman levels of physical condition, which grants him a number of different abilities.
    • Superhuman Strength: Thunderbird possesses a superhumanly dense musculature, which grants him great strength. He has shown to be strong enough to rip the doors off of cars, as well as leave a large dent on a steel safe after punching it.
    • Superhuman Durability: Thanks to his superhumanly dense muscles, Thunderbird possesses a high level of durability. He was able to withstand the severed tailgate of a truck crashing into him without injury, as well as withstand a barrage of handgun bullets without getting hurt, although the latter did seem to cause him a degree of pain.
    • Superhuman Speed: Thunderbirds dense muscle allows him to exert great force in his movements to achieve a level of superhuman speed.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are fast enough to catch projectiles mid-air, as seen when he grabbed a piece of twisted metal from an exploding car before it could hit an innocent bystander.[5]
    • Superhuman Senses/Tracking Skills: Thunderbird possesses greatly enhanced physical senses, having displayed the capacity on two separate occasions to track Blink and Eclipse for miles. He even managed to locate Blink in an abandoned workshop shortly after she teleported herself there. Thunderbird's senses are sharp enough to detect the presence of several Sentinels at a distance before they were deployed and sense them behind a heavy steel door.
  • Foresight: Thunderbird possesses the ability to see glimpses of the recent past and near future when focusing on a specific location or person.[6]


  • Skilled Combatant: As a former soldier, Thunderbird is naturally adept in physical combat without the need of his enhanced physicality, as he was able to overpower and take down a Sentinel Services agent even while his powers were nullified by Pulse.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • The casting information for Thunderbird was initially presented as a character named "Sam".
  • He made his first appearance in 1975 comic series titled "Giant-Size X-Men #1".
  • In the comics, Thunderbird was only on the X-Men for two missions before dying in an explosion. His younger brother, James, would take up the Thunderbird mantle as a member of the Hellions, and would fight Kitty Pryde and the New Mutants before reconciling with the X-Men and eventually joining the latter team (later renamed X-Force) under the name Warpath.
  • As of teMpted, Thunderbird is the last surviving regional leader of the Mutant Underground.



Thunderbird's Gallery Can Be Found Here. The Gallery May Consist of Promotional Images, Screencaps, and Video Clips Released By Network Officials

